Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Cascabel Autonomy

Whatever they say Rajoy, Aznar and company, and think what many ordinary Spaniard, no one will bell the cat of the autonomous communities, because a cat is skittish and untamed, able to nail the most painted fingernails.

The first to object to touch or eat one of their powers are called barons autonomous, ie, regional bosses, whatever party they may be. We have seen a rapid response in that sense of Galician Núñez Feijoo, who is not exactly the most assertive in this matter.

The fault, or reason, depending how you look, the growing sense regional autonomy is twofold. On the one hand, while the central government is dedicated to creak taxes, state government, the manner of a Mother Teresa of Calcutta, are so richly spent that money on our alleged benefit. Furthermore, the creation of more and more different rules from one community to another-from hunting licenses to the ITV of cars, from school programs to promote health benefits, social awareness that there are 17 national realities rather than one.

The truth is that the invention autonomy of the "one size fits all" as he named in his day Adolfo Suarez tried exactly the opposite: rein nationalist sentiment called historical communities, such as Basque and Catalan a par with others artificial creation, such as that of Castile and Leon, for example.

That was the paradox: instead of lowering the smoke to the first, if you will excuse the metaphor, it gave wings to the second, bringing its level to the extreme particularism of chopping competition even on river basins. In their zeal of converts, now explain the new nationalist geography and history of its own and distinct in each region and to strengthen the membership of a reality distinct from that of his neighbor have a ruinous public television, used only as tools of political propaganda .

You see whether or not it difficult to straighten things out.

What's more, the economic crisis and the inability of Europe to give a collective response favoring each one as you can save yourself, from the split between the Flemish and Walloons in Belgium without a government until foreplay secessionist Scotland or Northern League Italy.

He said then: Who is the handsome who dares to put the footstool to autonomism?

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