Saturday, August 25, 2012

Pull and Push Marketing Online - the smart way to Alec Promotion Affiliate

Most people when they signed with an affiliate program faces the challenge of generating enough traffic to their website. That's why it is imperative that they choose the right marketing campaign. There are two types of marketing approach normally used by Internet marketing, "push" strategy and "pull". This article will highlight the differences between these two strategies.

In push-marketing strategy, you as the affiliate push your product or service to a target market if you can or can not see it. The different forms of advertising in push-marketing cold calls, the purchase of banners or text on high-traffic Web sites, Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising marketing and e-mail. In this method of promotion, to highlight the features and benefits of your product in your ad and seek direct feedback from the market. The result of push-marketing can be measured is a short period of time.

In pull-marketing, is actively building a brand visible. The mark may be yourself or your site. This is done to make web visitors actively searching out because they believe that what you offer will solve their problems. The method usually used for pull-marketing online interviews, great debates, discussion forums, word of mouth marketing reviews and journals. The results for pull-marketing take a longer period of time to measure their effectiveness.

Whether in the form of marketing strategy has its advantages and disadvantages. Push marketing is often used for short term promotional activities such as during a specific season of celebration in which the demand will be high temporarily. Where else, pull-marketing attention to the perceived value of the brand and also the level of confidence....

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