Thursday, August 23, 2012

The pros and cons of the Playstation 3 - PS3

With a lot of hype and opinion about what is good and what is bad on the ps3, here is some objective information about this console. If you're thinking of buying a ps3 and can not decide, this can only help.

Ok, first of all I know I said "impartial", but I must say at once that the PS3, in my opinion is absolutely superb and I refer mainly to its graphics. If you read other people's opinions, most if not all, will say that the graphics are outstanding.

Normally, however, there are pros and cons with everything that is not there? If pushed, a seller would have to admit that his product has down sides - nothing is perfect, right?

The Playstation 3 or PS3 as it is often known, is no exception. The pro before then.

I repeat - the graphics should be number 1 on the list of pros. I mean they are simply superb. If there are better graphics out there, I for one have not seen them.

With the PS3 is a Bluray DVD drive on board that can hold more information than a standard DVD disc. The Xbox 360 supports Bluray certainly, but it comes with the package - with the ps3 it does!

The PS3 games are really superb. Not just my opinion, just check the internet for feedback.

The PS3 has a motion sensitive controller, but this is not as advanced as that of Nintendo. With the PS3 controller is still really stuck on your butt doing much the same as if it were not sensitive to motion.

Load space on this thing, with about 40 to 60 GB! Wow!

The cons?

Not many cons. Both in my opinion and in most of the comments.

It 'clear that the initial of the cons is the price at around £ 299. Its competitor, the Wii is about 179 pounds. 300 pounds is a lot of money to pay and, of course, you need to play the games ps3.

Programming the PS3 could, if you're a beginner, a bit 'hard to get your head around.

Many people have said in reviews and elsewhere that the lack of a rumble feature on the controller is a disappointment. It just takes a little 'excitement over the game board. It may not be a problem for you, especially if it's your first console and in the light of that we can not consider this as one of the cons.

Some may argue that the pros and cons to weigh each other and that the bottom line is, the ps3 is just gorgeous! This can be. But the decision is now yours .......

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