Friday, August 17, 2012

Traffic for your Christian Business - Part 1

The key to any Christian online business is getting traffic. You have to have people visit your site in order to turn them into customers. If you do not have the traffic there is no point in your online business, because no matter how big your site seems to have no chance of converting sales.

Traffic in the online world is just like the traffic on the highway. If you want to open a mini-mart that you buy a building on a road in the desert, where only 20 or 30 wheel drive cars a week? No, I would not. Instead, you should open the store at the corner of a busy city street, where thousands of potential customers to drive every day.

The beauty of the Internet is that you can have an impact on how many people drive by your store. In the physical world are limited by the driving habits of people. You have to go where they are. On the internet you can actually drive traffic to your website and make more sales.

There are two main ways to drive traffic to your site. The first is through search engines like Google and Yahoo. The second is to get your web address on other sites so people can click on it and visit your store.

Today we'll talk about a way to get your web address on other sites so people know it exists. A good place to start with your actions that generate traffic within the Christian community online. I discovered that Christians want to do business with other Christians, and so it is easier to focus in our first group. Then, once you start building traffic within our community, you can start branching out to other players online.

The two easiest and cheapest place to get your name on forums and blogs Christian Christians. I found the Christian blog to be a great place for fellowshipping and getting your name recognized. Remember, blogging communities and therefore must act as you would in any other community. The best thing to do is find some Christian blogs that have discussions of your interest. When you find a post that is interesting to add your comments. Join the blog community that value and supply of other members. Most blogs allow you to insert a link to your website in your signature file and I have had great success with people clicking on my site from a comment I made.

You can also talk about your website IF that is relevant to the current conversation. Remember that you are a part of the community. You do not stand up in church and scream "buy my scented candles." But if any of the others in your congregation need scented candles for a special event would be perfectly alright to talk about your products.

Blogs can be a great way to start building links within the Christian communities in line, but remember not to be a spammer. If your comments are just sales pitches for the product will soon be banned. Instead, bring value to the blog and the others will be happy to do business with you.

To find the type of Christian blogs "blog: Christian" (without the quotes) into Google. You will get a list of tens of thousands to choose from .......

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