Saturday, August 25, 2012

E-Commerce Basics - Methods and techniques of customer loyalty

Entrepreneurs and online retailers: Now that you've driven traffic to your web site and its services are available to everyone, the next hurdle to conquer is to be able to make such sale, over and over again. Attracting customers is relatively easy compared to building a loyal customer base, but with a little 'creative marketing and flexibility of profit your business can have a repeat consumer customers looking for these storage methods are essential.

To get started, as a business, you want to be able to make your product or service, as well known to the widest audience possible, avoiding out-of-pocket costs. In consideration of a special promotion on your website that offers a certain percentage off of first purchase (usually 10%) for customers who sign up for your e-mail lists. In addition, you may want to include a notation on the email list, when you sent, that an additional 5 or 10% off a future order is available when a customer refers, an order, and use their name as the referrer. You can generate a specific code or manually look-up order for a customer to verify the details and submit an online coupon code provided to the referrer. This method is a great way to keep customers while expanding its customer base by using word-of-mouth marketing.

Another way to retain long-term customer is to offer a customer loyalty program. Loyalty programs can vary, but the premise is after a certain number of orders, or to spend a specified amount of money, a customer may receive an incentive, usually in the form of a certain percentage off the next order, an amount fixed in dollars off the next order (eg, take $ 5 off orders of $ 50), or a coupon for the next order to send either free or have upgraded shipping. Depending on the type and nature of goods or services sold, all the companies that can accommodate loyal customers by offering a premium of loyalty suggested.

Above all, remember that the customer is number one. If conducting business in the virtual world, just as with a brick and mortar business, keep in mind that a customer first-hand experience can help or harm a business. More importantly, in the online world, word-of-mouth can travel faster and reach more people than ever, so be sure to excel in customer satisfaction and customer base will be around for a long time.

E-Commerce Basics: Methods and techniques of customer loyalty .......

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