Monday, August 27, 2012

The importance of asking in negotiating real estate deals

As investors, we sometimes forget that our business is good to ask. The critical point is that we have to ask. Good business rarely just fall into your lap, or miraculously appear the first time we look at a real estate investment potential. We need to structure them, and ask them to make offers.

Of course, this means that you often hear "no". This is why many of us do not want to do, because we fear the word no. Or are we embarrassed to ask for something that the seller is not already offering. Or think of insulting the seller asking for a discount. We must overcome these hang-ups to become successful investors.

Any good salesman knows that they must ask for the sale. They also know that you often hear "no". However, the seller is good exercise to translate every "no" is heard in the belief that he is just a person you feel closest to "yes". As investors, we think like this as we want to ask for bids.

So, next time you bid, do not forget to actually ask for the deal you want. Do not be afraid to hear "no". This is a necessary step in the journey towards "yes". Ask for the discount that would have made the deal really work for you. Request for owner financing or terms.

You never know what a seller is willing to consider until you ask. After opening a space for negotiation - as owner financing - you may be surprised at what comes with it. The seller may say no to your original question, offering something that they never offered originally. Maybe she has asked for funding 100% owner, and returned with the offer of 30% or higher. You will not know unless you ask.

Finally, the mindset of a successful investor must understand this desire to ask. Never be afraid to ask. The worst possible outcome is that the seller may say "no"....

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