Friday, August 24, 2012

Working from home - two views Affiliate Marketing Ideas

Since work from home business owners, the main idea is to earn an income from Internet marketing. There are many ways to make money online. For this article, I'm going to cover two different approaches. The first will be the "traditional" affiliate programs and then the "new affiliate programs."

Traditional affiliate programs

You sell a product or service, to become an affiliate. There is usually a set up fee or monthly fee involved in these programs. On the affiliate program, you need to build a downline, and you make a commission from what they sell. The matrix can vary from 2 to 15 generations deep. So you can take a long time to become profitable, usually start doing your income after going about 3 generations deep.

You can join a new program where you can afford the monthly fee to get multiple streams of income, since the initial startup costs are relatively low. Your head may be almost anything using free or trial auto-responder, classified ads, and all the free programs you can find to run your business. The only thing is, you may spend lots of time to build your downline to make real money. But once you get the matrix filled, you will have a residual income for years to come without a lot of work.

New Affiliate Programs

With these types of programs, the initial start up cost will be more expensive. We will be creating 10 or more sites in mini / micro Ebooks for sale in different niches. So you will have to buy the domain name and get web hosting for multiple websites, so it will take more money in advance. There a few programs you can join, who will build these sites for free.

With this type of program is not build a downline. It 'strictly for sales, so all you have to do is drive people to the site by advertising and content. Depending on the niche, each site could bring hundreds to many thousands of dollars a month in sales. So the mini sites you have, the more income you could make.

See income more rapidly by this type of system with respect to the traditional system.

As a work from home business owner, I would suggest using both types of affiliate programs. This is what most of the Guru and super affiliates do. Earn an income every month from their mini-sites, while building their downlines in traditional programs .......

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