Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Top 7 Digital Divide Solution for business challenges

Want to hear something really not fun. Many small minority business enterprises as key challenges for the implementation of a digital divide solution. Some seem to be made, but I have received emails, letters and telephone conversations he had during all of 2005 to provide evidence of the companies that still think the digital divide does not exist. I hope this strikes a nerve and help any business that may be still sitting on the fence. May 2006 bring to your company for a cure BADD ...

1. I have a free email account and do not need a website with our domain name, rss news feeds, blog to reach customers that may help to expand my business. (BADD - 1980 the attention of disability trade deficit for the digital divide)

2. Our Internet marketing strategy using flyers and business cards that have our address and email account ... see above diagnosis.

3. We said to hundreds of potential customers that our 'widget' (product or service) is only available for our customers in our city and will not expand at this time to the county, state or national level.

4. The digital economy, digital divide, a solution that would allow for growth of our business causes problems - having to hire more employees to handle clients, higher taxes, hiring an accountant, moving to a larger area. Are simply not ready for this in our future.

5. The digital divide is all hype, I did not use a computer in my business for years and as my business has not grown and brought to me and my customers are happy and content employees 2. Can not have a 401k or retirement plan or other fancy things, but we should be okay for our immediate future.

6. My computer is for playing solitaire, making the new flyers and business cards, or watching movies. I do not need e-mail or the Internet with new ways to grow my business. (For this type of BADD may not be a cure!)

7. I use the computer for my son home for everything you need (see above reasons), why should I try to bridge the digital divide in my company, using strategies that may cause my company to grow too quickly.

If you have other cases to be reported BADD not hesitate to let someone know before there is no cure available .......

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