Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Massive how to suck in free traffic to your website in 5 easy steps (Part 2 of 2)

So what is the key to maximize your website exposure?

In our previous article we discussed how you can choose between different methods of generating massive traffic to your site. I also showed how I use my preferred method of getting traffic quite easily.

Here we will discuss more about how you can unleash a flood of traffic using social proof to get noticed. People like interacting online nowadays and that is where this issue is going to be about.

Step 4: Using Social Marketing to get noticed

Perhaps one of the methods used today is social bookmarking or social marketing. Have you heard of Craigslist sites, Yahoo Answers, YouTube, Facebook and so on?

Yes, all capable of producing good traffic as you want. You know the best way to attract attention through these sites is contributing to something that is valuable or worthy of attention and then get traffic, leaving behind your website address.

Step 5: Speed ​​up your work rate

Sure, it will be labor intensive for you to go out there and search for certain topics of your niche. It also will take time to filter through the various communities where gel directly with your area of ​​expertise.

You can speed your search by using the software (it is widely available now), given the budget you are comfortable with doing your own research. Normally, this is the purpose of informing the user if the people are talking about a subject then you can send a video or something to grab attention immediately.

Give something of value, will

My best philosophy to make free traffic generation strategies of the website is that I generate good content that helps others. We come back to me 10 times the value of what I gave out.

It always does, so when you are faced with a decision whether you want to tell a secret that has helped you, do it. You will never know if you back 100 times the traffic originally planned .......

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