Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Solving the "sabotaging"

There are many people with great potential but their results are poor and this is what professionals call the behavior "self-sabotage," knows more about it here.


Always or in most cases in childhood and in most cases to situations where the mother and / or dad or figures who served as such have much to do, among other things mothers and fathers "castrating", ie dominant, aggressive (I), controller (s) most likely to spawn children insecure and very afraid to face the world, stand on their own feet, to be self sufficient emotionally, mentally and even physically or absent fathers and mothers is very present overprotective is likely to spawn children equally insecure and many fears.


Such cases will have an impact on many areas of life and one of the hardest hit will be your area of ​​economics and / or professional as in these areas is where most needed, especially today, poise, clarity and self-assurance.

It's a shame to see such people by their innate ability could be very triumphant and yet for all the above is not, is as if the fear and insecurity were very strong chains that prevent them from moving to its full potential.

Such has been the case with many of my patients like Maria (nickname to respect their privacy), she came to see me because he said he was locked up, imprisoned and very fearful of the world out there, coming off a divorce and total failure in several areas of life, the origin of this one very domineering and controlling mother.

Paths of Healing:

Maria entered my program customized help and in approximately 90 days much of his situation changed, could leave a couple who dominated and controlled, just like his mother, he progressed in his work thus improved its economic area, increased its own security significantly and began to look after your health, therefore being and enthusiasm for life were present.

What solved the situation of Mary? The combination of psychotherapy and Kundalini Yoga.

Commitment to address me like it so much these roads, the fears, self-sabotage and insecurity decreased significantly in the life of Mary.

The ability to combine both techniques makes the solution much faster comes alone would address one of the techniques.

Knowing I could combine these ways to help many people with less time and effort: Psychotherapy Gestalt and body more Kundalini Yoga.

By Dr. Eloisa Chavarria

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