Thursday, August 9, 2012

International Women's Day


Like Mary Wollstonecraf, "do not wish them to have power over men but over themselves." Power to make your decisions, power to make the north and guide your steps, clean laugh smile, remembering the best episodes of your life, and mourn for the mistakes. Power to dare to walk naked down a mountain, dawn singing ... and singing, running, jumping, jogging, operate as a small firecracker and lie belly down on the grave of a loved one.

With partial success, Lin Yutang said on one occasion: "All suits for women are only a compromise between the manifest desire to dress and undress covert desire" because, undress or dress does not only involve skin or cover the bone and calf, if not to expose the blood, the vein, the clot, the belly. Review the crystals that have the heart, and make them sound in the wind from all points. Ability to stay while you are away, and harvesting prisms, one after another.

When a woman loves, Plutarch: "put on love divine. This love is like the sun, which encourages nature." And he loves all, a child, a daughter, a dog, a man, a musical note, a forgetting, a piano, a stone, a book, a verse, a banner. One idea, the embodiment of that idea and the consummation of it. So no doubt, when Clara Zetkin, in that solemn conference of socialist women in Copenhagen proposed to hold "the day of the woman" has caused such an impact because, appealed "to the love that a meeting", at the first celebration which was held on March 19, 1911, participated in public more than a million women. During the early years, International Women's Day was celebrated on different dates in different countries. It was in 1914, the German proposal, which was held for the first time in Germany, Sweden and Russia, on 8 March. Gradually, other countries were joining this commemorative date, recognized by the United Nations Organization.

Today marks one hundred years of that idea-love expressed by Clara Zetkin, and some colors has increased, others have paled, and women are still women ... some real, some with masks that have been in the attempt. Young women who think like grandmothers, grandmothers dancing as a teenager. Strong women with a garden or an earthworm and weak before a mouse. To an unexpectedly wise and fearful of an article of law. That we are ... heart, shield, sap, flower, seed, root, bell, trembling, chest, tenderness, forgetfulness, waterfall, etc.

Cesare Pavese said, "When we are young we regret not having a woman, as we get older we regret not to have women."

Happy International Women's day!

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