Sunday, August 12, 2012

"Passport To Wealth Mentors" What every business owner needs to know the SEO classes

If you are an entrepreneur and everyone involved in network marketing, then you have heard of search engine optimization. In all their Internet are classes that teach SEO techniques to solve the puzzle of Google, Yahoo and MSN. As an entrepreneur, you understand the greatness of having your website advertised on the first page of search engines. It can mean a flood of targeted customers who come to your site. Of course that means more profits for you right. Absolutely, but only if you set your campaign properly at first.

There are teams out there mentoring sharing SEO SEO tactics and taking courses. The first thing you should remember when it enters one of these classes is the commitment and consistency. Committed to attack early in the program. If someone tells you when you set the optimization campaign that is easy and no work is crazy and not true. You must commit to this for the long haul, because there will always work and keep up to your campaign even after hitting the front page. Do not live in the fantasy that the EES is run and its not working for you. According to Passport to Wealth back office more than 65% of people taking lessons SEO will not finish the class because of work involved. Now, if you pay someone to do search engine optimization for you, then, of course, this does not apply to you, your company or service that you paid will do it for you. But if you are looking for mentors to teach you to build your business and then work for the SEO work and classes, do not go under false pretenses.

SEO is not something that can be explained in an article. But it all starts with your web site and design. Here is a list of ways to properly set up your site for optimal placement of Web sites with search engines.

. 1) Choose your keywords first - You should start with a list of at least 30 keywords to use. Vai off the top of your head and think about your company and what your customers would search to find your business. Also in keywords that should include your business name. Once the keywords are set to use a tool like the software is free and will help you to find out how many people are searching for that keyword. If you do not have a high number of people searching for a keyword then it is not going to do very well. Get rid of that keyword and maintain 5 to 6 key words to begin with and have good search results.

2) Keyword research -. Once you highlight the key words go to a search engine like google, and type the key words one at a time. Find out how many websites you have to beet to get on top of the page. Early attempts to go with a search that has less than 2 million. You want to make sure that competition is not steep until you reach by climbing up the search engines.

. 3) Creation of the website - your website, capture page, and the first page should be optimized with keywords in mind. The page should be keyword rich, it means that your keyword or keyword phrase should be placed in your site several times to search engine spiders to crawl. As you are adding content to make sure that the user through the key words in them several times.

. 4) Title tag and Meta tag - There are some disputes of councilors on the importance of keywords and meta description meta tag. I think the mentors who taught SEO classes are all agreed that the title tag is important. I still find these tactics useful and suggest to include in your website. They certainly will not hurt your SEO efforts. When you create your title tag that you want to make sure to include your main keyword at the beginning of the title. For example, if your business is Passport To Wealth, I would suggest using the Passport To Wealth as the main keyword and putting that in the beginning of the title tag. Title tag is what you see at the top of the browser page. Keep this short and to the point of groped to put the keywords in at least once in the title. Do not be so long and it makes sense. Meta keywords tag enter all the keywords in this section. Be sure to include your main keyword first, and separate each keyword with a comma. Meta tag descriptions, I still see great benefits of meta tag descriptions. Keep your main keyword phrase at the beginning and write intriguing regarding your business or service. The meta tags are in the title in the search engines and then want to make sure that it can capture the attention of visitors and encourage them to open the site and see your opportunity.

5) Pictures -. If you are using images make sure you name them and then enter keywords in the websites. Search engines will read these words like they are spidering through it and give you a better optimization.

. 6) bold and underline the key words - It is suggested to be helpful to underline or bold the keywords. There is some controversy about this as some say it holds no relevance. I experienced a higher page rank just add this a couple of times in my site. Not only do you stand for your customers, but also the search engines. No more not to do so, only a couple of times. The spiders are sensitive to this and if it is obvious that it can spam your site. Only a couple of times should be good to get the desired effect.

7) - headers properly used. Headers are important for SEO. The classes teach SEO headings stand out more then adjust the text with the spiders. If you'll have at least a header at the top of the page with the keywords shown. If you can include your main keyword in the header first is said to bring more points to your page.

. 8) Show links to you pages or other sources - the main page should have links to other links, affiliate links or pages. Hyper link on you page is at the top or bottom. I do not suggest doing them in your body. I've seen where search engines do not go as links to irrelevant content in your body. Try to keep the link at the top, left side or bottom of the webpage. Years ago they used to suggest setting up squeeze pages or gateway pages, keyword websites that were friendly. There was no sense that he must have some content for the search engine benefit only. I do not mean longer practice this, I would use the actual content when you add to your website.

. 9) browser detection - Be careful using this function. Make sure that does not break when the spiders or another agent may come across. The only way to get your site on pages of search engine spiders is if you can go through your site. Obviously if you can not enter, your site spidered and will not appear on search engines.

10.) Get the right domain name: url will be held some relevance in search results. Spiders do not usually spider via a URL with special characters in it. Also have a shorter domain name is good for your customer base. When questioned the creation of the domain name consider putting the keyword of the domain.

In conclusion, it is a known factor that the search engine optimization is highly recognized as a way to increase traffic to your website. Entrepreneurs, and mentors have used this tactic for years. Trial and error what works as search engines are changing forever the way they spider our sites. The important thing to remember is that it does not stop with owning a website. They are specific steps that must be made so as to have search engines will recognize. It 's time, but the rewards and gratification, when to achieve first page rankings worth of hard work you may have invested in SEO classes....

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