Sunday, August 5, 2012

Spell to Get a Job - Unleashing The Power Of Success

In these times many people are unemployed and work is lacking, so it's natural to want a spell to get a job. In principle, before performing a ritual for you to open the paths and expand your potential for success. Write your full name and date of birth on pink paper (if you're female) or blue (if you're male).

Place on a plate and spread with a mixture of honey, dust and dust Pathfinder to attract money. Adds 21 gold coins (current), and light a green candle daily for 7 days. The next day leave it in the corner of a busy street (preferably not see you). Then you can make a spell to get a job.

For example, before leaving to seek employment, place peppermint to calm the night and the next morning with some water macerals. Strain the liquid Add it one quarter cup of milk and a glass (size liquor) of anise. Take a bath with blue soap and rinse with the mixture, without drying. You can end this spell to get a job thanking Santa Clara for showing the way to do it. This should light a white candle.

Or you can perform this spell to get a job if you want it right away: put 10 candles on an altar of blue, one pink and purple in a circle (the latter two should be facing each other). It has 4 gold coins in the sense of the four cardinal points and placed in the center of the circle a holy card of St. Jude Thaddeus, one of San Antonio (next to the purple and pink candle, respectively), a glass of holy water and a glass of white wine.

Pray to the angels Zadkiel, Lecabel, Dorothiel Cesariel and help you in your task and to intercede with God to give you strength. Say out loud the candle violet is to undo the negativity and pink to make way for work. You will see that this spell to get a job is very effective.

Help! Is there really spells and white magic spells that work? -> Find out in

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