Saturday, August 4, 2012

Difficult People Behind, there are difficult stories

In daily interactions with people we are troubled, we ourselves become conflicting in certain situations. It seems to be related to our outstanding issues, needs that have become unfinished in patterns that repeat as opportunities "to get it now ..." is true that we missed, that left us uncomfortable, and so on. if the invoice is how we should ue father, mother, siblings, teachers, my friends from childhood, in the EU happened to us somewhat uncomfortable or did not happen, the need is a way to resolve pending, so we took our relationships, our school work, family, etc, and charge the new players this bill.

It happens that this need is being postponed because only achieved intercourse uncomfortable and discomfort is not to be understood and accepted.

It is possible to fill these needs, and then comes the acceptance of who you are, and start enjoying all the other areas of life that has not been conscious, having occupied the attention on the need inconclusive. technique may be used Gestalt, NLP, Ericksonian hypnosis, narrative, dream awake, among others.

Our obsessions, background bring a boy or girl looking for something that was missing, it would be unfair to judge people harshly difficult. Enter your shoes and maybe you can understand your search.

Acceptance does wonders for personal change.

Surely our irritations of others, if we look at the context of compresnsion, acceptance ... we not only respect but generate advances in growth or personal development.

It is also very satisfying to accept others, improve relationships, for every action there is a reaction, surely we will return thanks, affection, admiration and better interpersonal relationships ..

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