Monday, August 6, 2012

Food To Gain Muscle Mass

Let us see then what recommendations we should continue to follow a diet to gain muscle mass:

One of the most important is to supply our body with nutrients that promote muscle growth (as in the case of protein) every 2 or 3 hours. So, we eat about 5 or 6 times a day to get our muscles can continue to believe the wrong way creciendo.Muchos that doing the exercises is sufficient to achieve the body you want. However, this belief is totally wrong ... our human body needs all the nutrients in the amounts necessary ... and even more when we subject our bodies to a high stress such as muscle training with weights ... In addition to do the training properly, we must provide our human body the nutrients needed for it to grow quickly and effectively.

Another important macronutrient for muscle growth are carbohydrate. These provide "fuel" to the muscles and the human body and cause a hormonal state conducive to muscle growth because it increases levels of insulin, testosterone and insulin-like growth factor 1.nuestra about diet. Exactly Protein should make up between 30 to 40% of protein is an important macronutrient for muscle formation and that our body can burn fat effectively. Protein is also essential to make our muscles grow and also essential to the human body. For example, if you only eat protein will not have the energy to convert protein into muscle because the human organism is not effectively absorbed protein without carbohydrate carbono.Cada time we eat should consume adequate amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and fats and that each of these macronutrients must be present in the human body in the right amounts so that we can absorb them properly and effective. we consume calories of nutrients that promote muscle growth as protein.

Click here to learn everything to follow a diet to gain muscle mass

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