Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The scale of values

For Tezcad Iztac

The scale of values ​​determines your tastes, inclinations and motivations in life.

We have free will and our choices ultimately determine our circumstances (the target does not exist as such), and these circumstances occur within a temporal dynamic attributes and natural laws of compensation.

Your decisions make you to be who you are, especially if they were made freely (without prejudice or stereotypes). But the impulse that makes you choose one or the other is the conviction that you have on your scale of values ​​..


Our certainties give way to thoughts and emotions to decide alternatives.

* The values ​​in our model of thinking determine the hierarchy of importance of things like this in our linear model: If you're a Communist, Socialist, Catholic, capitalist or Muslim will stay within the same context, because you used the same scale of values . The differences are only apparent because, self-importance and materialism are the most valuable, greed and presumption of power will be rigged and money. Will belong to an exclusive group, fundamentalist, with a single leader, corrupt intermediaries male power, and everything has a label without qualification because there is no systemic relativity.

* If instead the model is circular like the Sun Stone complementation and solidarity prevail over the material, the personal importance ceases to be artificial and is not an existential order. The reality would not be apparent and allow us to reach higher states of consciousness.

In our beings consider ourselves independent linearity to all, we are starring and competitive educate us to be the best, live unattainable future planning and to demonstrate to others our worth by the amount of goods and position to achieve. We are material beings artificialities consumers only leave us floating on the surface of a harmless reality. Our existence is a fiction manipulated by others. We believe that we are free, but even we become aware of ourselves. We strongly reject our paradigm to allow the paradigm to replace it penetrates the consciousness of all races on the planet, that will eradicate the lies and fictions with which we live.


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