Friday, August 10, 2012

Mexican Legends

Legend has it that in the middle of the sixteenth century, in a house in the town of Marfil, Guanajuato, was a shrine of gold that was part of the mansion of a millionaire man who treasured figures in it were precious metal decoration its sacred place.

Its owner was Don Jacinto d'Ivoire, boastful character of Andalusian origin from Malaga, Spain, even without proof of his noble title was presented as Conde.

Under the chapel there were long tunnels that connected with a large and productive mine, owned by Don Pedro Ivory Lagos, uncle of Count Jacinto. The latter kept a secret underground passage that, as at night stealing gold from the mine of his uncle, which was quickly adding to his fortune.

Within the limits of the chapel, the entrance to the underground path, rose two huge jacarandas like protective guardians of treasure. It is said that one night the end of the year, Don Pedro mine was a huge explosion, the shockwave hit the foundations of the chapel collapsed while it was almost swallowed up in the corridors beneath it. Only three remained standing stone arches giving access to the road that was blocked by debris.

The Count d'Ivoire desperate, with her nails dug to try to get the gold and valuable statuettes, but found only the head of an angel that was on the altar to protect your fortune. Unable to retrieve his treasure went mad and threw himself headlong into the pit that was in front of the ruins of the chapel. Days later his body emerged. Those who found the body shuddered as one who had been a man of great stature, was reduced to the size of a fetus, a phenomenon that was attributed to contaminated water as earth minerals.

The town was known as Royal Ivory, in recognition of Don Pedro, but in fact it remained in the memory of the locals was what happened to Hyacinth Conde, for several years gave much to talk about, because the land where haunted the chapel was found: those who remained on it, even for minutes, going crazy. Years later, to end the curse, the parish clergy blessed the site of the village and placed in it a stone figure of the town's patron, the Apostle James, but it was enough to end the curse.

The spell was gone by the board until a devout neighbor stood on the farm loved the image of a stranger named San EspiridiĆ³n Reverend, whom he prayed, they said it gave almost everything they requested, provided the petition be implored them rhyme with insolence. Since then only loses his mind, who visits the site and no profanity salutes the miraculous saint.

Real Ivory went on to become the core of wealth and leisure, lived in the waste and excesses for long, however, came when he suffered calamities and mines were closed around him and then turned into a genuine people ghost.

Four centuries after those horrifying events, when no one knew them, the earth was removed in what was the chapel and found the angel's head and a small skull, even with complete dentures Don Jacinto.

Some argue that in the winter, during the full moon, is heard in the house and its surroundings a dark regret, because they say they still suffer to learn buried his treasure ... the illustrious Don Jacinto, Count d'Ivoire.

True or false, no one knows, what is interesting is that Ivory with former haciendas, mansions and corners full of mystery is a good place for the legends that this rescue as part of their story and its characters.

Manufactured Housing

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