Thursday, August 9, 2012

Antonio de Solis and Rivadeneyra



"Tell me in what estimáis

your sighs constant

but how little they cost

how little they are worth. "

Antonio de Solis. Love to use.


Solis has a great importance as a historian, but it was also celebrated as playwright. His theater is distinguished by its predominantly satirical, particularly around the theme of love, whose motives examined in a realistic, positive and sometimes cynical, very different from the chivalrous attitudes that seem inherent to the Spanish golden comedy. Perhaps this cynicism elegant romantic comedies like and Solis were held during the eighteenth century, in preference to the masterpieces of other dramatists. Special mention Madrid's gypsy girl, A silly a hundred, Dr. Carlino, equal to the title of a comedy of Gongora, and especially love to use his best work, which was translated by Scarron with the title of L'amour à the mode. Solis wrote lyric poetry, sacred and profane taste-Gongora, and Letters.

Antonio de Solis and Rivadeneyra was born in Alcala de Henares on July 18, 1610. He studied at the University of his native town to end at the University of Salamanca, where he graduated in the two rights.

He wrote his first comedy, Love and duty, at seventeen, in 1627, and served the Count of Oropesa, as secretary. In the midst of their difficulties, as he says, left him bound to "get rid of the car and eat the mules, to off-site", was protected by Don Alonso Ram.

Was ordained a priest at age 57 (1667), and the death of Antonio de Leon de Pinedo (1661), Solis was appointed to fill the vacancy Chronicler of the Indies. He died in Madrid on April 19, 1686, being buried in the chapel of Our Lady of the Exile of the convent of San Bernardo.

Love to use is a delightful comedy, perhaps the most dynamic and fun, in its kind, has produced our theater. Reading it as a big surprise, because the naturalness of the situation and the intention and grace of the concepts presented therein about love are the most modern, and do not doubt that their representation would delight audiences today.

His fame more durable is linked to the history of the conquest of Mexico, population and progress of North America known by the name of New Spain, whose first edition appeared in Madrid in 1684, and he composed in his duties as a chronicler of the Indies . Solis's work is of considerable extent, his account focuses, naturally, around the figure of the conquistador Hernán Cortés but also deals in great detail all the other captains, Alvarado, Cristobal de Olid, Gonzalo de Sandoval, Diego de Ordaz, the famous Marina and heads Aztecs referred to the penetration process in the country, and also attaches great space to the customs of the natives, rituals, ceremonies, beliefs, rooms, food, games, clothes that grouping is no special sections but ingesting their descriptions between the facts of the gains, as occasion offers, and with it in his book achieves a pleasant variety that counts among his greatest qualities.

Solis is a remarkable artist, and his history brilliantly closes the long and rich series of the chroniclers of the New World. His prose style is a model, which can not properly be said to represent the time it occurs, because the followers of the baroque tumble and literature, to the most absurd excesses. His art narrator escapes from fashion and fancy ways to stay in one of the most genuine true classic, if by this we mean the successful alliance of beauty and sobriety. Is easy to understand that tastes change will not affect in the following epochs and that his book has enjoyed at all times of general esteem: And, as our poet: "It could be extinguished breath, / but not usurparte voice / that how fast / brass has repeated, / and the bronze is in the ear, / when the trust winds, / do not know what sweet harmony / that lasts longer than the sound. "

Francisco Arias Solis

Peace and Freedom.

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