Tuesday, July 3, 2012

How to Form before investing Choosing a good course of Stock

It is essential to be well trained before considering opening an account with a broker-dealers. It is said that investing in the stock market is risky. Well, I'd say it is not risky to train you before you invest. The Exchange is like a knife. A great tool but only if you know how to use.

To invest in the stock market, you must first do an exercise taken from consciousness. The stock market is anything but a game and, therefore, treat the subject with the utmost rigor. Without going to confuse the bag as it is boring it does not take itself too lightly.


Where to begin?

You have to supplement your training in two ways. First you must know that there are many courses bag. Go into detail about the courses below. But now I advance that it is essential that you understand very well that cover the syllabi of these courses before choosing one. Also you should make sure that behind those courses no charlatán.En Secondly, you can find simulators LaBolsaVirtual bag as you allow contact with the stock trading without having to sign up at any broker, without risking your money and without giving personal data. With these two pillars can move forward slowly but surely into the wonderful world of the bag.

Returning to the main topic at hand:

How can we find a good course of bag?

Know that there are many types of courses bolsa.A broadly, can be found trading courses courses, technical analysis, fundamental analysis courses, courses on derivatives (CFDs, Warrants), courses in financial markets, example session operational investment in real-time ... And of course there are also courses that attempt to address all these issues simultaneously. Clearly, this latter group of course can not delve into all aspects and will, therefore, in a much more introductory. In any case, I recommend that you paste a look at the introductory courses because maybe the bag is what you should if you're having a first contact with the subject.

But let's warming up. I will break down the types of courses that I described above.

The trading is to buy and sell for a profit. It is said that trading in the stock market the term is used more for short-term investments. Trading courses prepare you for just eso.El Technical analysis is the study of market action using graphs to predict price trends. Technical analysis courses are very interesting in that fundamental analysis is sentido.El understand and evaluate the true worth of an action. Personally I would bet before a course of technical analysis and leave it for economistas.Los derivatives are financial products whose value is based on the price of another asset. They are very powerful and I'm sure you'll end up using derivatives. But first you must control the analysis técnico.Y finally operational sessions in real time allow you to see how a professional trader operates and discusses its operations as well as perform it. It can be very instructive.

And where I can find one of these courses?

First of all you must decide which fits you best. A online course or another face? What is clear is that going to be hard to find courses depending on cities. Surely you can find a bag during Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Valencia or any other big city, but it will not be general. For those who live far from a place where he lectures on quality, always have the opportunity to take a course online brokerage. Online courses are no worse than the face. You could even say that they can become better and also allow you to keep the issue at your own pace. But it is clear that you will require more of you having to take this course at the computer without an environment around you.

How will I be sure that you have chosen well?

First, you should research the topic. Consultation with various sources, read independent reports and see how long it takes the academy offering courses. Call or leave your details so that you call several trainers and get ready to ask the following questions:

How long have you been teaching courses? How many students have had? Do you use a platform of free and open investment? For example, many schools use the simulator to teach LaBolsaVirtual bag. As you continue practicing free indefinitely after completing the curso.etc.

Then, feel free. be brave and offer to go with a friend to make you a discount. I am convinced that you can negotiate the best price.

Let me give you one last tip. For when you get to invest seriously agree that you have the opportunity to contact that course and gave the bag. So make sure you stop doing consulting for a reasonable period after making any of the courses you have taken stock.

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