Friday, July 13, 2012

Natural Remedies for All

Today we'll take a few natural remedies for various problems that may arise.

Later we will give more advice, for we can come in handy for a specific situation that we can present.

Let's start ....

Spirulina algae, ideal supplement for weight loss.

Besides being a good addition to any diet because it controls appetite, it is recommended especially for pregnant women because it is high in iron and protein, which is highly regarded within the natural remedies.

Eliminates lost fluids, but no nutrients. It is rich in minerals and vitamins (it is a natural source of B12, necessary for vegetarians).

It is rich in nucleic acids RNA and DNA, which strengthens the immune system and regenerates the cellular genetic material, and is also rich in chlorophyll.

Spirulina stands as a natural source of beta carotene, being perhaps the richest food in the vitamin, contains 10 times more than the carrot.

Spirulina is a good source of calcium, iron, manganese, chromium and magnesium, also provides zinc, germanium and copper.

Arrayan, curate with this grass.

This curious plant was used in ancient Greece as an offering to Aphrodite. At that time brides are adorned with her, and was considered one of the natural remedies of the time.

This plant is very versatile and can be used in:

Cystitis: In infusion, due to its antibiotic properties. Take it hot after each comida.Asma: In Arab countries, the branches of myrtle tea is used for asma.Catarros: Its essential oil is almost like that of eucalyptus. Diluted and prepared by an expert serves to rub on the chest and download the pecho.Diarrea: In infusion (20 or 30 g) of leaves per liter of agua.CaĆ­da hair. Old books indicate that the array can slow hair loss. Abundant fresh leaves are crushed and left to marinate in olive oil. Leave the prepared three weeks in the sun, strain and applied in several shots to the scalp.

Migraine, feverfew:

Feverfew is a medicinal herb with a long traditional use in the prevention of migraine. It is an anti-inflammatory that can reduce the production and release substances that contribute to inflammation. Feverfew also inhibits the release of serotonin, which is believed to be part of the chain of processes that lead to migraine.

Feverfew should not be used by pregnant or given to children under two years. Also, people who are especially sensitive to products derived from plants of the sunflower family (sunflower, chrysanthemum, daisies, etc..) Should also avoid feverfew.

When you start showing the first signs of the nagging migraine, take an infusion of feverfew for which you need two tablespoons per cup of water.

Failure to submit, take each day until you feel better.

Did you know .... Milk decreases the action of antibiotics?

We know that some liquids and some foods interfere in taking prescribed medications that our doctors us.

In this case we speak of milk, when taken with antibiotics.

It seems that the calcium, so necessary for our bones and teeth, antibiotic molecules alters their absorption difficult, and obviously, diminishing its effect.

So the best way to take an antibiotic is accompanied with a large glass of water and as directed by your physician.

Very important advice is taken on an empty stomach if you want to facilitate absorption, but beware if the drug can irritate the gastric mucosa should be taken with a full stomach.

Nuts for cholesterol:

Many doctors and nutritionists recommend taking this nut because it is known that prevents and helps combat hardening of the arteries, which is caused by cholesterol, snuff and the inevitable aging.

When the body or requires walnuts help to increase the ability of arteries to dilate (as when physical effort) increasing the level of blood flow can transport.

Just eat 7 or 8 nuts a day in lieu of any dessert or snack to be harmful to our health and reduce "bad cholesterol".

Its effects will be immediate whenever accompanied by proper diet and exercise.

Eye to migraine sufferers, as the nuts are not entirely desirable.

Give me a coffee substitute, because I have high blood pressure and the decaf I do not like:

Today we made all sorts of preparations are sold in markets, supermarkets or even machines that natural remedies are good substitutes for coffee, and do not contain caffeine.

These are made from cereals and so they have more flavor and aroma is commonly used ingredients such as dried fruit, nuts, chicory, figs, etc..

With these contributions, typically results in intensely flavored drink, quite similar to coffee.

It should be noted that the people who are prone to diarrhea, you should take a preparation that includes acorn or carob.

If, however, suffer from constipation, exploiting the action of figs, which is a laxative.

If you want to change and decide to take tea, not a good option, because tea is a stimulant and have been to seek a substitute for coffee, because it contains caffeine, which is exciting.

Yet despite all this, if we do it because for example, have high blood pressure and are looking for a coffee substitute, we would take some olive leaf tea or hawthorn.

Do you usually have a dry mouth? Want a cure?

The first thing to do is drink plenty of fluids, mainly water, also soups, teas, juices, etc).

It should also be natural refreshments prepared with lemon, without adding sugar.

This is because as we all know this fruit increases saliva production and helps to moisten the mouth (we have only to think of lemon and we began to produce it).

To produce saliva, we also plant remedies such as "bold" and "Echinacea."

Echinacea is considered a very effective plant for the production of saliva.

How you take it is pouring a few drops of tincture in a fruit juice or vegetable juice.

In your diet includes plenty of vegetables, as you hydrated and try not to take very sticky foods.

Another type of foods you are gelatin benefit and slippery, like gelatin, nourishing and moisturizing.

Dry mouth or xerostomia is a common problem in people taking antidepressants or medications that treat hypertension, so if you're one of these people be attentive to this article.

I love watermelon, but it is indigestible, How I can solve?

Some people have a delicate digestion and more variable than normal, so that certain foods such as certain fruits I usually feel bad.

These people should take the best fruit between meals or at the beginning of the same.

If we take the melon for dessert after meals, may promote fermentation and gas in our intestines because of the time waiting to be digested, because first we have eaten a first and second plate.

The solution is to take the first course or at breakfast or snack (like fruit salad, highly recommended by the way with yogurt).

Speaking of which, it is important to know that the fruit in general (especially acid) are sometimes difficult to digest when mixed with starchy foods (pasta, bread, rice) or vegetables.

In short, if the stomach is delicate, it should start their day with grapefruit or orange juice to cereals.

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