Saturday, July 14, 2012

Conflict Resolution and defensive routines Teamwork

Conflict resolution and defensive routines in the work of teams

"Mental models determine not only how to interpret the world but how to act. We get stuck in defensive routines that insulate our mental models of any test, and therefore not qualified to develop expertise?

Chris Argyris

Why do not we practice new approaches that have proven to generate better results

More and more we see what it costs to implement the best ideas. Many trials show that a new approach produces better results, but this approach generally can not be implemented.

What prevents it?

We believe that mental models are in use, the internal images deeply rooted in the organization that limit thinking and action.

Almost all cases show us that we have experienced the same. It is not lack of resources or lack of motivation or even a systemic misunderstanding which prevents the best ideas and new approaches are put into practice.

The dynamics of mental models in team work

Our mental models affect not only us but also our perception of our performance. Mental models are active, shaping our actions and our behavior. His influence is not due to their adequacy or wrong.

They are always simplifications.

Its dynamics is due to exist below the conscious level. It is not easy to detect, identify mental models in use as Chris Argyris has shown for many years at Harvard University. To achieve this are very useful reflection and inquiry skills whose learning has been developed together with specialists of Science in Action. And practical application of this learning is precisely that which we have incorporated into our system.

For learning new skills.

If the mental models we keep learning difficult for organizations, teams and outmoded and inadequate practices to new approaches .... Why can not speed it up too .... Many organizations already have succeeded. One of the first was Royal Dutch / Shell with its famous scenario planning. We also use coaching us through the skills of inquiry and reflection to the development of learning new skills.

For the implementation of innovations in equipment and organization: institutional.

Yes, also for the implementation of institutional innovations.

We concluded that success in the long run depends on the process by which individuals and teams to transform their mental models. To do this we consider the acceleration of planning and learning rather than as the perfect plans. As it is very difficult to see the mental models in use, many more projects in action and in the future, the help of coaching committed to truth can be very helpful.

And, very importantly, also for the resolution of conflict and dissolution of defensive routines.

Routines are our unconscious habits of mind that has taken root to protect us from threatening states that arise when we present our thoughts. What's worse is that these routines are transformed into organizational culture. Argyris says, "Once infected the organization also becomes a carrier. Teams are microcosms of the organizations. It's normal defensive routines affect the team. They act as an obstacle of collective learning. But defensive routines can be transformed into an ally to build a team to learn?.

Mainstreaming systemic mental models.

Both people and the learning organization make critical decisions based on shared understanding of interrelationships and patterns of change.

The mainstreaming systemic mental models is not only the transformation and upgrading of these but in changing the way we think.

Individuals and organizations spend learning to think about the domination of the events to recognize the patterns of long-term change and the structures that generate them.

Coping with defensive routines and conflicts of a team to transform them into productive

In other articles, in my book and especially Courses stress the importance of routines. Now we will work with them. We have said that routines are our unconscious habits of mind that has taken root to protect us from threatening states that arise when we expose our thoughts and become habitual. The coaching team is very helpful to resolve them and to transform them into production.

The intelligent devices are characterized by how to deal with defensive routines, not by their absence.

A team committed to learning the truth not only explores the outside but also inside the machine, including strategies that conceal them. When, through coaching, defensive routines open an energy release that allows us to build common understanding and to move towards the goal of all team members. Although there are brilliant managers who do not know the big teams are not characterized by the absence of conflict, as we said before, not for their friendship. The teams that we call "calm surface? are usually mediocre.

A team of learning experiences is the visible conflict of ideas.

The free flow of conflicting ideas becomes creative. It is crucial to find new solutions that no one can find on your own. Conflict is part of the flow of team learning. This is also seen to support the shared vision, especially over time and more with the addition or substitution of members. The difference between good teams and mediocre teams is how to deal with conflict and defensive routines around them or they produce.

Learning to deal with this gap is one of the main challenges of team coaching.

This gap is caused by the need to learn. This is what Argyris calls himself "learning gap?. It's the difference between what is known and what you need to know. I have experienced in my workshops and coaching teams actual implementation of the archetype of the load-displacement may be its structure and study this archetype in / tools-issue systems archetype helps a lot to understand how to address this gap. Any change, S? Symptoms, causes the need for learning. At first it may be a threat that generates defensive routines. These lead to the Remedy Symptom ETHICS, reduce the perceived need for learning. Eliminate the gap, but can not learn. The fundamental solution that achieved with the side effect of reflective coaching.

The reflection and inquiry lead to new understanding and new behavior. In this process there is almost always delays that determine the duration of coaching. This reduces the learning gap, dissolve routines and conflicts are resolved to transform them, almost always, creative.

This is the true mark of our system.

Joan Palomeras

Barcelona 20.10.2008

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