Friday, July 27, 2012

Expressions To Survive During your vacation in Marrakech

The results of a global survey about the good and bad habits and practices of tourists of different nationalities have been recently published. The study, based on the participation of 4000 hoteliers around the world, who provided their views on how members of different national groups "behave? when visiting abroad. Speaking the local language was, of course, an important condition to receive a good grade. The survey was based on 10 categories that assessed the popularity, behavior, manners, willingness to learn the language and try local cuisine, generosity , tidiness, volume, good taste in dress and the propensity to complain. According to the survey's purpose and language, knowledge of local language is an important criterion: indeed, it is quite rude not to speak or even a minimum local language, it indicates that the tourist has not even bothered to learn a few words or expressions or to consult a pocket dictionary to communicate albeit limited. In Marrakech, although many people speak French perfectly and have a good level of English, will no doubt be warmly welcomed and given further good impression if you try to speak the local language or derija called Darija, the Moroccan Arabic dialect.

And with only a few sentences can move more easily learned by the city, especially if you only meet people speak Moroccan Arabic. In fact, it is easy to find people who speak other languages ​​(especially French, English, Spanish and even some Italian and German) in the cities, but is much more difficult to find in rural areas.

So here are a few words and expressions in Moroccan Arabic that will prepare them for a stay even more pleasant and cozy in the beautiful city of Marrakech, also known as "La Perla del Sur?. Of course, the greetings are among the most basic and important expressions you need to know. Here are some common greetings, called "Salam Alek? in Moroccan Arabic: - Hello: "Salam Alaikum? (Literally means "Peace be with you?). The answer to this greeting is "Salaam Alaikum? (Which means "Peace be upon you too). - Goodbye, "Besslama?. - How about that? : No doubt hear two very common expressions used to ask how is one: 1. The first, slightly more educated, is "Alik Labes? (Which literally means "There is no harm on you?). The answer is usually "Labes, Hamdulá? (Meaning "No evil, thanks to God? Or, more literally," Praise be to Allah). 2. The second is "Culshí Bejer?, Which means" You all right?. The answer is the same as above, or the equivalent version "Bejer, Hamdulilá?. Other useful expressions are the basic formulas of courtesy: - In Favour: "Afak?. - Thanks, "Shu-Crane?. - Sorry, "Smaha-allies? (Also equivalent to "Excuse me?).

- Bis-ha: "Enjoy? (Or "good is it?). Other terms: - Yes, 'Nam? (Although they say Marrakech "AA?, Where" â? Is very guttural). - No: "The?. These are just a few expressions, but for some they may seem, will be surprised how helpful they can be accompanied by a smile and a few gestures. Also, once you have learned these few words and expressions, and have a small base on which to build a broader knowledge of the language in case you want to learn. Once they have learned this basic darija, are ready for your vacation in Marrakech! Once in the Ochre City, staying at one of the fantastic hotels in Marrakech or, better yet, in one of Marrakech riads. You can also stay in an excellent villa in Marrakech, closer to rural areas where they can practice darija, admire the spectacular scenery and enjoy the warm Moroccan hospitality.

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