Monday, July 16, 2012

Homemade Cream Skin Whitening For Those Who Do not Know What To Do First

While the person or people involved can access a host of lightening creams and skin whitening, the same elements found in these products can be obtained in our pantry, refrigerator or in the business district. This is important to know, because with a little knowledge, people can access excellent homemade cream for skin whitening.

In turn, there's nothing more satisfying than achieving one's goals (removing a mole, freckles disappear or even improve the tone of the body) through their own inventions and items that you've given birth, and so this can shared with others as a success story of man's ingenuity.

Homemade cream for skin whitening

What we seek in the first instance is to exfoliate the skin with a mild solution to remove dead cells and allow the skin to better absorb the cream which will then apply. For this, mix 1 tablespoon honey 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 1 tablespoon sugar. Rub with special emphasis those darker areas or requiring attention. We will do small circular motions and continuous, then remove the exfoliating cream with warm water.

This done, it's time to prepare our homemade cream: 1 kilo seek neutral moisturizing cream and add 1 tablespoon of pure honey, 50 grams of processed watercress, parsley 50 grams of processed, a tablespoon of olive oil and 50 drops of oil Lavender essential. The bleaching agents that make up these homemade creams for skin whitening, watercress and parsley, will join the regenerative agents, lavender and honey, so get a cream that can improve our skin tone easily and with little applications.

Want to find out how to clear the skin and achieve a more uniform color? If you want to whiten your skin, visit my website: to learn the truth about the most effective methods and natural for your skin look clearer, smoother, healthier and more attractive.

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