Friday, July 13, 2012

The easiest way to succeed at everything what you set and achieve happiness

Dreams become reality, habits, customs and life philosophy

Many of us do not want to find the magic lamp to convert our dreams into reality. Becoming a great millionaire, be the best player, achieve supernivel in tennis, being a great singer, being successful with women or with men as your gender, etc.. The wish list can be endless and really becomes a dream, to turn our dreams into reality. Our society and environment, as well as our culture has pushed us to live in dreams, to live in hope, to create unattainable dreams, which as time passes and our age we realize we really are impossible and never will be realized.

We all want to find that magic formula to make gold that we played, like King Midas.

On the other hand we have people who are too realistic, who was not given the opportunity to their own personal fulfillment, focuses its efforts on the daily work, becomes a slave of money to survive without further view that a life of work, stress and certain amenities, bypassing who have to go with the sole intention of getting what they want. Most of the people we forget that our stay on this planet is only temporary, we find our true purpose in life, our true happiness, to carry out our true passion.

Ask yourself if you are comfortable doing what you do, if you really feel happy living the life you want. Achieve dreams and goals, not really that complicated, is part of a system of training, habits and customs that make life philosophy. What do you want to be in life? Answer honestly, do not make excuses of age, economic status, marital status and so on.

Do not you think if you only live once, it would be worth risking everything to be yourself even for just a moment? Reprogram your mind, change your habits, change your habits, your beliefs, start now, challenge yourself , challenges the destination, make the change, be yourself, get everything they want in life, have no fear, dare to find your fate, change your way of thinking.

To learn how to reprogram your mind and achieve all your goals, visit this link:

Visit this link:

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