Sunday, July 8, 2012

How are we different from the rest of real estate transactions?

This new concept in property management for sale or rental of your house, hotel or property of prestige is based on an experience of more than 20 years specialized in communicating these unique real estate products. This implemented a methodology based on the dissemination of their assets to potential customers interested, especially in times of market turmoil such as we now live, and which require specialized communication divestment.

Doval Lançois developed to achieve this goal, advanced services in this market segment, designing marketing and communication strategies, aimed at capturing the largest number of buyers or tenants, both nationally and internationally.

At the present time, differentiation is the only way to increase competitiveness. This distinction marks the uniqueness of the product, the visibility of it, the wider scope of interested prospects and, ultimately, a greater number of options to achieve in the shortest time possible the desired results.

Some of the features of difference for the new concept of real estate management Doval Lançois implanted in their services compared to other operators, as we said its CEO, Robert Menetray are:

In our fees below the average in the sector.En our high degree of specialization and accessibility, which allows us to give special treatment to the management of communication products managed conlleva.En monthly aimed at affluent customers, business professionals, investors, etc. In custom positioning your product on our website especializado.En our commitment to quality in our comunicaciones.En the transparency of our methodology JOB encourage direct contact between buyer and seller as the best tool for the closing of any transaction of sale or rental.

With Lançois Doval, have the right partner for maximum return on your home equity. At present, Lançois Doval has different types of properties, which are ancient palaces, mansions, ranches and farms, businesses and sale of industrial assets and charming hotels for sale. For more information, visit:

More information: E-mail: info@lancoisdoval.esWeb:

Author: Pilar Esteban Markarte responsible communication.


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