Friday, July 13, 2012

How to increase our Anabolism Naturally!

How to increase our Anabolism Naturally! The difference between building muscle mass at a higher rate or simply kept to a minimum, is the ability to enhance your anabolic environment. And you know this largely depends on two hormones, testosterone and growth hormone. As I have stated on several articles and videos, I've never tried to encourage the use of anabolic steroids. Just try to provide information to people who know little about the subject and decide for themselves ways to use these drugs. So that you're to gain maximum muscle mass as possible and you're not a supporter of foreign aid, then focus all your efforts in raising your natural anabolic approach. In the long run will be much better for your health and less risky! But, as I can enhance my anabolic naturally?

I think this is one of the most requested questions by any athlete who wants to increase their muscle. The essential part to increase your anabolic rate and basic look, is to analyze your training and nutrition. You must make sure that these two factors are well structured to enhance its action builder. We must always remember that testosterone and growth hormone are affected by exercise, in terms of duration and intensity. Intense training of short duration increases the secretion of both, while the effort will not exceed 60 minutes maximum. Growth hormone gives a major boost from the release hour, hour and a half after the dream, so you should also perform a daytime nap to duplicate the natural secretion of growth hormone. Food also can affect the hormonal milieu, such as carbohydrate intake increases insulin secretion, while favoring protein for testosterone. Then place five or six meals throughout the day at short intervals, say every three hours. This undoubtedly will have a positive impact on your hormonal environment. Broadly speaking, these are the points that you must evaluate your levels constantly to keep as much as possible, of course we could go into much detail about training and nutrition, but that he will discuss in later articles.

Andres Torres Satizabal

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