Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Internet Marketing Strategies - Part Nine: Creating a list of potential customers

Develop your list of potential customers with targeted marketing strategy the most important thing you can use.

No matter what strategies you are using, if you're not collecting the email addresses of your potential customers, you're literally guaranteeing your failure.

Opt-in list will give you the opportunity to create a targeted list of potential customers where you can advertise on a continual basis. You will have a direct line of communication, that will significantly increase sales.

The key to create an effective opt-in list is to provide subscribers with quality information. The best way to do this is to give them a weekly ezine, bi-weekly or monthly. The ezine is a newsletter or a publication that is sent to subscribers who have opted to receive the publication.

For more information about creating an ezine, download the free ebook, "Ezines: A Complete Guide for publication."

In order to build a database of potential customers and start collecting e-mail, you must first create a mailing list. This mailing list must enable your visitors to submit their information and subscribe to your list.

There are many free services list that will allow you to create a mailing list. However, they are not recommended. Not allow you to customize the messages with your subscriber names and require the visitor to respond to a confirmation message.

For a comprehensive guide to configuring your system to opt-in lists, read the article, create, manage and build your opt-in lists.

If you prefer not to set your system, here are some good scripts can be run on the server:

1-2-All Broadcast

A complete list management system including HTML or plain text newsletters, MySQL database, personalization features, automatic removal links and more.

In addition, automatic answer

Complete list management including unlimited lists, HTML or plain text mailings, MySQL database, customizable auto-personalization of messages, automatic removal links, unlimited folow-up autoresponses and more.

Build your subscriber base

There are many effective ways to build your subscriber base. However, for this article, we will only focus on the "best" ways.

Your website

Place a subscription box on every page of your website. Make sure not to overlook this powerful means of gaining new subscribers. Visitors will enter your website from many different pages from your main page. They can not even visit your main page, so make sure your subscription box is visible on every page of your website.

Subscriptions incentive

This powerful means of obtaining subscribers entails offering your visitors a gift in return for their subscription. This free gift can be a free ebook, software, or report. This method of obtaining new subscribers will increase your subscription rate immensely.

Download free ebook that you can use as incentives from my website.

Writing articles

Write informative articles and allow them to be freely published. By writing articles, you can greatly increase your subscriptions. The key to using this method is effective to include subscription information within your bylines.

For more information on writing articles, read the article, "Writing for the publicity."

Free Ebooks

Create a free ebook and allow power to be freely distributed. Place your subscription box on every page. Your ebook will have the potential to be viewed by millions of Internet users.

For more information about creating an ebook, download the free ebook, "Ebook: A complete guide to self publishing."

Creating and developing an opt-in list is an absolute must. You must take every opportunity to promote the publication and acquire new subscribers. The more subscribers you have, the more sales you make. Make sure not to overlook this powerful method of making sales .......

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