Saturday, August 4, 2012

Spiritual Response Therapy

It is a technique to locate, remove and clean energy blockages and negative programming, at a subconscious level and Alma, who are interfering in Love, Health, Prosperity, Relationships and Spiritual Development

Benefit from therapies that everyone TRE experiencing difficulties as a mental, emotional, material or physical, situated inthe concrete TRErespuestas the causes that are incurred. Likewise, those seeking to develop their personal and spiritual potential, are a guide to connecting with your Higher Self.

Those who need healing and freedom from:

* Interpersonal conflict

* Locks on prosperity and abundance

* Blocks to find meaning and purpose of life

* Locks on health, phobias, fears

* Old patterns of negativity

* Internal strife, bitterness, depression, etc.

Spiritual Response Therapy is a technique full of light, is a wonderful gift that God gives us. The creator Robert Detzler.Esta technique uses a set of graphics that work with a pendulum and with the help of the consultant and TU between Higher Self that represent our divinity, we investigate all the causes or reasons that are impeding the harmonious development of soul consciousness, either by programs generated in past lives, parallel lives, present life events, discordant energies, etc..

Once identified, these blockages are cleared by ERT consultant and your higher self that is cleared, cleaned and restructured negative programming and the power load connected to it, as it may cause problems to health, prosperity, happiness and emotional balance of the person.

TRE is a powerful way to heal the soul at the origin of almost all our troubles, plus it gives us a wonderful opportunity to become conscious and responsible human beings of our spiritual origin and reconnect with our essence.

How does TRE?

This technique has the ability to provide all the help we need to face the challenges and problems of life.

The pendulum driven, graphics identifies all "problem areas". Divinity clean files generated by negative experiences starting a download process in the cellular memory through which clean or remove jammed discordant energies, generating positive change, enabling the soul to understand its true potential.

A we can aspire to the realization this therapy?

Spiritual Response Therapy works through your graphics in five main areas: a graph is the compass by which your Higher Self shows the graphical programs limpiar.Del 2 to 9 are graphs of the physical field, linked to the experiences graphic encarnaciones.El in ten is the bridge between the physical and spiritual, between experience and graphic preprogramado.Del 11 to 31 are graphs of the spiritual, related to experiences of the soul before last encarnar.Por thirty-two graph is the graph of the checklist.

Also if your higher self indicates the need to work other aspects they may be:


Brain restructuring replace negative patterns that have been downloaded in the physical brain by positive patterns, so that the soul is the mind-body-is completely fused with the brain and thus has no spiritual expression in the physical limitations .

Cleaned two types of programs: negative Concrete Bases: There are 4 negative statements that the soul download in the brain in the first 4 years of life and these may include pre-programmed energy of the Soul and unresolved past lives.

Negative basis of the present life: belief is a result of the conscious mind with respect to partnerships with people and events of the present life.


Discordant energies are negative feelings or emotions that relate to people or events in our lives which we can present major blockages that prevent us from living in harmony.

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