Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Streaming audio for your website

When the audio on-line first became available, was only available in the form of discrete files that have a lot of space. The message size is limited. This was especially true in the days before the 1GB RAM has become commonplace. There was a time when a home computer was limited to 16KB. However, we got! Yet 48K was high tech in those days. Customers do not download the files just to hear your marketing message, so that was dead before he hit the water. Now, however, we have audio streaming, and file size is no longer a problem. The audio file is transmitted over the Internet in packets that are played when received, and there is no need for the recipient to save anything on your computer.

Audio presentations are the hottest way to promote your product because they allow you and your customers to relate. Even if they can not respond vocally to what you're saying, there is more of a sense of being connected, and are more likely to respond by making a purchase, or at least take your free trial offer. It 's also easier to get someone interested in what you have to offer that the guarantee does not actually mean that they can not lose, and will really get their money back if you do not have success with your product.

It 's much more of a written warranty. The listeners the feeling that you are talking about them personally, even if the message was heard by thousands (hopefully) of others. When the radio is made available to the masses was an immediate success, even if printing was trivial and much less expensive. This probably infers that, as well as TV radio greatly exceeded, so that messages will replace video audio streaming. However, the video is nothing without sound .......

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