Thursday, August 23, 2012

Top 5 ways to address the systematic targeted traffic to your website

Have you ever had a swing of business profits? Many service professionals experience the ebb and flow of business (commonly called the feast-famine cycle) A client recently asked: "How do I get an even flow of business? I'm so frustrated with being overwhelmed with work and one week hunger next.

I know I should market. Yet, when I get busy with my clients and I slide glides marketing in the cycle of hunger. "To prevent the cycle of famine, create a system to attract people to your website. Make the most effective ways to attract people to your website in a consistent manner:

1. Put valuable free content on your website. Trying to educate the public. Help them make more money, cut costs or solve their problems. Examples include: online assessments, how to tips, short reports, resource lists, how-to tutorials, dictionary of terms in your field, etc.

2. Write articles. Each professional service should use this marketing tool. Send to my editors in your target market. Make a law that his fans. For example, the local Chamber of Commerce newsletters or magazines in your field of large size. Need help getting started with your informative article in your field? Click here for simple steps to write articles.

3. Develop your newsletter. Stir interest. Use your newsletter to draw your readers back like bees to a honeycomb. Post new valuable information and offers. You will return again and again.

4. Use your ad space wisely Point your ads free information. Most people want to take their time with getting to know you. So instead of trying to fit an entire marketing message in a few lines, use your advertising as bait to hook the audience.

5. Put the website address and special printed materials. Make an offer that drives people to your site. For example, put your URL for evaluation and offer web free on your business card. Or put your URL and offer for your emini-course in the brochure.

Web site traffic is considered the lifeblood of your online marketing. No traffic equals no sales. Put the tips mentioned above to practice and get consistent traffic to avoid the cycle of famine .......

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