Saturday, August 25, 2012

How dynamometers work

Dynamometers or dyno systems seem complicated but once you understand the basics it all becomes clear! A dynamometer is basically just a measuring instrument, the same way as voltmeters, scales or speedometers are.

Between force-measuring devices, dynamometers are a flexible metal ring which bends when a force is applied in such a way as to tend to collapse (the amount of bending being a measure of the force applied) and a hydraulic "load cell" which measures compressive loads in terms of fluid pressure.

Once you have built your new engine, or with parts of tuning, it is very important to visit a good car dealer or rolling road. If you do not, then you will never be able to properly set the engine.

A good dynamometer allows you to use a gas analyzer, while under load so you can see the true air mixture RPM all while driving.

Power-measuring machines can be either transmission dynamometers or absorption dynamometers. The first use devices that torque measurement, in terms of elastic torsion shaft or dynamometer special inserted between some sections of the tree. Torque is produced by the payload that the first motor, engine, or machine is carrying.

Unlike dynos transmission, benches absorption produce the torque measuring constraint by creating a constant rotation of a shaft, applying mechanical friction, friction, fluid, or electromagnetic induction.

A brake Prony develops mechanical friction on the edges of a pulley rotating by means of some few strains that are crushed against the wheel rim by tightening the screws until the friction torque FR balances the torque WL.

A brake water creates a resistance by the circulation of the water flow between an impeller and a stationary shell, while an electric dynamometer generates and absorbs direct electric current or eddy currents. In any case, the element which exerts the influence retainer is freely rocked so that its tendency to rotate with the rotating body can be limited and the limited force is measured at a known distance from the axis of rotation.

The torque is the product of the load of the spring or weight and the distance from the axis of rotation. Dynamometers also measure the torque produced by a motor, in order to reveal important information on its performance.

A Diagnose is then presented in graphical performance, which can be easily printed and interpreted....

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