Thursday, August 2, 2012

Importance Of Labour Law

The work is the application or exercise of human actions to produce something useful. is identified with the individual, is also considered a man's good, because by this not only transforms nature, adapting to individual needs, but is an embodiment of man as man. The Labour Law is a set of legal principles and rules that govern relations protective nature of individual and collective work between the units of production of goods or services and workers in a personal way. free and subordinated working for them in exchange for an income. The Labour Law is autonomous because it is a legal discipline has legal autonomy, because it has its own regulatory system consisting of doctrinal principles and specific legislation separate from other areas of law that may try to cover it, scientific autonomy, is given by the fact that their institutions may be organic systematization order to achieve a uniform and comprehensive study and educational autonomy, is seen in the fact that the Labour Law can be studied separately from other disciplines law allows the Labor Law is a matter of study in all law faculties of universities and even in some faculties consider non-legal professions.

The Purpose of Labour Law, is to find a balance between the interests of workers and employers, but always maintaining a Tuitiva character on the former. The activity involves working as social welfare and the realization of the human person, Article of the Constitution of Peru establishes the right to moral integrity and physical psquica and free development and welfare, which can only be achieved through an activity, which allows to develop all the mental and psychic innate and for which a person is ready, this activity is the work and therefore the article 22 of our Constitution states that the work is a duty and a right is the basis of social welfare and a means of personal fulfillment, which means that the employment relationship must respect the principle of equal opportunity without discrimination (Article 26 of the Constitution of Peru) without the employment relationship limit the exercise of constitutional derechops unknown or not lower the dignity of workers (Article 23 of the Constitution Pol? policy of Peru) The prinicipal is to highlight the importance of labor law, which lies in the essence of human act, aimed at preserving and existence and development of social coexistence, vocation and requirement of human nature, the work means and expression of life, is a social function, since it is only truly possible work through the direct or indirect collaboration of other human being, "that is working with and for others".

What is the job protection it receives from the state?, Work as a basis for social welfare, and through the performance of the person is a human right which is recognized by article 22 of our Constitution, and as such will for the State to ensure its full implementation, in addition to this, the Constitution in its article 27, raises a specific mandate to the legislator, so that, by law, provide the worker adequate protection against arbitrary dismissal. Conclusions For the Labor Law is not any activity involving physical or mental effort can be considered within the scope of regulation, but must meet certain characteristics TION, such as that is personal, productive, paid employment, free and independent Our Constitution regulates labor law, for which no employer can limit the exercise of constitutional rights or ignore or diminish the dignity of workers GAZETTE LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. Causes and Effects of the Termination of Employment Contract Employment Guide Luis Vinatea Recoba

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