Friday, July 13, 2012
You should know about epilepsy
Epilepsy is a chronic brain syndrome of diverse causes, characterized by recurrent seizures due to excessive discharge of nerve impulses by neurons in the brain, possibly associated with various clinical and paraclinical manifestations. The convulsive seizures can be convulsive or not. Not all people with a seizure is diagnosed epilepsy. Are considered to have seizures when at least two attacks, which are not always associated with the engine shaking a seizure.
A seizure occurs when abnormal electrical activity in the brain causes an involuntary change in body movement or function, sensation, in alertness or behavior. The crisis may last from several seconds to several minutes. There are over 20 different types of seizures.
The symptoms experienced by a person during a seizure depend on where in the brain in which case the altered electrical activity. A person having a tonic-clonic seizures (also called grand mal) may cry out, lose consciousness and fall, become stiff and muscle spasms. Another type of seizure is called complex partial seizure in which the patient may appear confused or dazed and unable to respond to questions or instructions. Other people have very mild attacks that are not even noticed by others. Sometimes the only manifestation of the seizure is rapid blinking or a few seconds of staring with disconnection of the medium, this type of seizure called absence and it is relatively common in childhood.
Epilepsy can have many causes, in some cases is due to lesioPara more information visit All the information we provide is general in nature, remember that this information alone can not replace health care or human services that you may need. Just provide an information and reference, please consult the health professional who deals with any concerns about your own health. tions of any type brain (head trauma, sequelae of meningitis, tumors, etc..) but in many cases there is no injury, but only a genetic predisposition to suffer from the crisis. Medical treatment can control seizures in a high percentage of patients.
Epilepsy has different manifestations that are determined by the type of seizure, as well as through the etiology, course of disease, its prognosis (probable outcome of the disease) and finally through the EEG findings, ("current curve in the brain"). The EEG study reports are not always indications of epilepsy because some electrical changes often occur in areas deep within the brain so that the electroencephalogram may not detect. All these factors can be very diverse, as each of the different forms of epilepsy.
What are the symptoms of epilepsy?
There are several ways of presenting seizures. Generalized seizures may present with sudden loss of knowledge fall to the ground, contracture of the muscles of the limbs and face followed by rhythmic jerking. At other times, especially in children and adolescents, crisis presenting with a loss of consciousness, without falling to the ground or convulsions, lasting seconds, with rapid recovery.
Partial seizures may present with bizarre or subjective sensations difficult to describe phenomena or hearing, vision, tingling, etc.. These symptoms may occur singly or give way to a loss of conocimeinto auomáticos movements of the mouth, hands or other body part. At other times partial seizures may occur with shaking of a limb or half of the face, without loss of consciousness.
While we have mentioned the most common types of crises, there are other less common manifestations should be evaluated by a specialist. Also, a person may submit more than one type of crisis.
The various warning signs that warn that a seizure is occurring include the following:
* Periods of mental confusion.
* Sudden Infant Behavior.
* Movements like to chew food without eating, or close and open the eyes continuously.
* Weakness and deep feeling of fatigue.
* Periods of "empty mind", in which the person is unable to answer questions or hold a conversation.
* Seizures.
* Fever.
The most typical form, also known as a great evil is with movements of the type 4 limbs shaking, lost consciousness and sphincter control, lasts seconds or few minutes, when it persists is called status epilepticus.
Other forms are known as frequent absences in children. Symptoms of a crisis can be very varied and we repeat, do not always alter the patient's alertness.
As with seizures, also differs in epilepsies between generalized and focal forms, depending on whether they are accompanied by generalized or focal seizures.
According to the International Committee of the International League Against Epilepsy seizures are classified as:
Partial 1.Crisis
Simple partial 1.Crisis: These are crises whose clinical manifestations (symptoms or signs of motor, sensory, autonomic or psychic) and download electroencefalgráficos reflect a system of neurons located in a part of the cerebral hemisphere without alteration of consciousness.
2.Crisis complex partial (with compromised level of consciousness). They are preceded by an aura that marks the probable site of discharge (→ olfactory temporal visual occipital →) associated with visual or auditory hallucinations, fear, anger, etc.. Certain gestures are frequent automated and tongue movements, tachycardia, pallor, and so on. Usually does not last more than a few minutes.
Simple partial followed 1.Parciales complex.
Complex partial 2.Crisis from the start.
3.Crisis complex partial evolving to secondarily generalized.
Generalized 2.Crisis
2.Crisis atonic.
2.Convulsivas: genetics
1.Crisis generalized tonic-clonic seizures.
2.Crisis tonic.
Myoclonic 3.Crisis.
Ranked 3.Crisis
The different causes of epilepsy can be very diverse.
Most epilepsies - according to their motivation - are residual epilepsies, ie epilepsies as "waste" as "other" (residuum) of a brain disorder occurred in the past. These residual epilepsies or defects may be caused by an infectious disease during pregnancy (eg. Rubella), lack of oxygen during birth, encephalitis or meningitis suffered during childhood or suffered a concussion because of an accident.
By a process of epilepsy is a disease instead of epilepsy caused a progressive neurological disease (a process then unfinished). The most important and common cause of epilepsy is the process brain tumor, but also can lead to epilepsy, vascular disorders or metabolic diseases. Epilepsy, which are a manifestation (sign, "symptom") of a residual or progressive brain disorder is called symptomatic epilepsies. Epilepsy, which is presumed organic origin, but can not be proven, are called cryptogenic epilepsies (cryptogenic = probably symptomatic).
Epilepsy are not inherited, so can not be transmitted to other generations.
Still can appear in multiple family members. This is based on that, as in many other diseases (eg. Diabetes, rheumatism) - not the disease itself, but the predisposition to it is transmitted to the offspring. Additional disorder (eg. Complications during pregnancy, childbirth, serious illness, head injury) may be the trigger for this disease. (But not always possible to identify the trigger).
This form of epilepsy, which is also mainly caused by genetic predisposition, it is called idiopathic. The question of the origin of the disease has not yet been able to be answered in approximately one third of all epilepsies.
It said so far, we can say that any individual at any age can suffer from epilepsy.
Etiology of epilepsy by age. Neonates: perinatal hypoxia and ischemia. Infection (meningitis, encephalitis, brain abscesses). Traumatic brain injury (TBI). Metabolic disorders (hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, pyridoxine deficiency). Congenital malformations. Genetic disorders.
Childhood febrile seizures. Infections. TCE. Toxic and metabolic defects. Degenerative brain diseases. Idiopathic.
Adolescence: Idiopathic. TCE. Infections. Degenerative brain diseases. Alcohol.
18-35 years: TCE. Alcoholism. [[Brain Tumor | Brain Tumors}} (primary and secondary).
35-50 years: Brain tumors (primary and secondary). Cerebral vascular accident. Uremia, liver disease, hypoglycemia, electrolyte disturbances. Alcoholism.
> 50 years: cerebral vascular accident (the aftermath).
Most studies estimate the incidence of epilepsy in 0.5-2% of the total population. This is an alteration of brain function characterized by periodic and unpredictable occurrence of crisis. We define the "crisis", the transient alteration of behavior, synchronous and rhythmic disorder in a group of neurons, and non-epileptic seizures.
According to the Commission Classification and Terminology of the International League Against Epilepsy (1981), are classified into partial and generalized. There are other additional classifications of epileptic syndromes, coming to identify 40 different types that are divided into partial and generalized.
The pathophysiological basis rests on the so-called seizure focus, area of the cerebral cortex with functional impairment and repetitive paroxysmal (permanent partial depolarization of the cell membrane) that is kept synchronized excitatory synaptic connections without a control inhibitor. The initial depolarization is followed by a post-discharge hyperpolarization. Inhibition nearby serves as a powerful inhibitory control that limits the spread of the discharge.
There are several possible mechanisms involved in the development of seizure:
a.Cambios in membrane proteins.
b.Niveles altered neurotransmitters (GABA, glutamate) and neuropeptides endogenous. Alterations in GABA. Enhancement of receptor-mediated responses glutaminergic (NMDA ...) with alterations in ion flux.
c.Cambios in intra and extracellular ions. Increased potassium ions in the extracellular space favoring a constant hyperactivity.
d.Existen other influences on cholinergic and monoaminergic epileptogenic zone that could cause actual intercritical its extension.
discuss current e.Teorías abnormalities in neuronal migration during the 7 th -10 th week of gestation may be the common denominator of the crisis.
thalamic neurons f.Las have an intrinsic property "Current T or low threshold current" regulated by calcium ions. Generates spikes / waves at a rate of 3/seg. Thus, in contrast with the small size of these thalamic neurons, T current amplifies the shock.
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