Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Why Invest in CRM?

Spanish companies need to bet on strengths and improving business relationships ... and besides, what is really CRM (Customer Relationship Management English) We can say that this is a business strategy which aims to achieve is to understand, anticipate and respond properly to the needs of a customer or prospect. The objectives of CRM software are customizable to each organization, company or group, but share the goal of increasing brand loyalty of customers, reduce losses and increase profits. CRM is not just software: a methodology and a business tactic.

Looking at it from a technology perspective, CRM means combining the integrated use of customer information with supporting tools, operational and analytical, which give more power to staff and provide a superior delivery mechanism for customers. Many entrepreneurs and managers have already taken the step to address the implementation of a CRM solution, combined with a solution of Cloud Computing, to help them manage relationships with customers, employees and suppliers, and unify the corresponding databases of information and relationship management of each of these groups. This reaffirms the commitment to the future and the qualitative and quantitative improvement of business when their projects meet the medium and long term.

Efficiency and productivity productividadEficacia and are terms used to define the benefits it can bring the use of CRM tools, so bet on this software in our company generates efficiency and robustness, both in terms of internal and external collaboration as in all resources for marketing and sales. From these premises it follows that the expected fundamental value of this implementation and the precise use of resources should be seen reflected in an increased profitability of the company. Companies become more effective, competent and productive, so its market penetration increases considerably. From what point is to strengthen and establish strategic lines of future business plans have largely had to come outlined by management of companies.

In this sense, the support of management to lead and tackle this project is the turning point for the success of the implementation. This factor is crucial because it means that the media will be carried out the necessary decisions and organizational measures will be addressed in order to obtain the greatest possible use of investment. The cadre must evaluate different options in terms of CRM product, as the sector has evolved considerably, with many applications focused on SMEs. Today there are solutions or traditional leaders who until recently were only available to large companies and organizations. Today we say that all these solutions will specialize by size of enterprise (SME or large company) and by sector (distribution, pharmaceutical, aviation, automotive, etc.).. To finish, is to select a good implementer. Along with developments in the sector is ICT services companies, to which they are called partner, who are dedicated to providing post-sales implementation services and CRM. The manufacturers themselves know what the best implementers of solutions depending on the size, sector or area.

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