Saturday, July 14, 2012

Stress Management

By being alert to the way we interrelate in different scenarios in which we operate and the various roles in the plays we performed, we must know to properly handle our emotions, energy, so as not to give way to stress, all what we desarmonice, we generate tension, fatigue, affects our emotional balance, we pass-enl effects manifest or physical and psychological.

We must properly handle the stimuli, all that unbalanced and help us get through it.

We recuerdaAlonso Gaeta, who since 1935, Hans Selye, (considered the father of stress) introduced the concept of stress as a syndrome or set of nonspecific physiological reactions of the organism to various environmental agents harmful physical or chemical nature.

Stress (stress) is a phenomenon that occurs when the demands of life are perceived too difficult. The person feels anxious and tense and collecting faster heartbeat.

"Stress is what you notice when you react to pressure, either from the outside world is inside yourself. Stress is a normal reaction of life for people of any age. It is produced by the body's instinct to protect of the physical or emotional or, in extreme situations of danger. "

Stress is the body's response to external conditions that disrupt a person's emotional equilibrium. The physiological result of this process is a desire to flee from the situation that causes or violent confrontations. In this reaction, involving nearly all the organs and body functions, including brain, nerves, heart, blood flow, hormone levels, digestion and muscle function.

Stress is a stimulus that is attacking us emotionally or physically. If the danger is real or perceived, the result is the same. Usually causes stress, anxiety, and different reactions sorpreder fisiológicas.No dede we therefore you indicate that there are infinite manifestations of stress, as many as people. Facing a troublesome situation, the heart begins to beat faster, blood alters its composition due to the secretion of two hormones, adrenaline and cortisol and a dramatic increase in blood sugar.

It is said that stress is not an emotion but a physiological reaction that disappears when you do its cause. If you are removing that which causes stress, provides some simple tips to calm down and that allows easy to perform in any situation.

It is advisable to know how to breathe, given that well controlled breathing can allow calm in stressful situations. We must learn to breathe through your nose naturally and without force and to breathe very slowly, gently contracting the abdominal muscles. A few minutes breathing well enough to feel more relaxed and calm. On the other hand, is the rebirth method that helps us understand our body and thus respond better to the abuse. This method calls for work inspirations and expirations strong soft and relaxed. Then try to link the breath with a relaxation session performed first, under the direction of a professional, to become aware of every part of your body, gradually learn to eliminate unnecessary tension.

Edema is suggested, listen to certain music that helps you cope with stress, it is said on certain types of music or sounds that are eminently soothing virtues. It is up to each one to discover the sounds that calm and relax us, for example, Mozart, Keith Jarrett, Bach's cantatas, the sounds of nature or the song of the dolphins ... Anything is possible. The principle is based is simple: dedicate a few minutes a day (or more if you have time) to hear the sounds that soothe him: in short time know how to create and reproduce a state of total relaxation. adds that we must laugh, given that laughter is a good way to evacuate the stress. Should be put into play muscle reactions, respiratory, nervous and mental and secretes endorphins (natural opiates in the body), spreading to the brain, affecting our well being. It's up to you to decide: watch funny movies, funny invite friends to dinner, create a database of jokes ... Laugh! Forzarts also try to smile at a problem or difficult situation. It's a bit artificial at first, but soon the smile will help to relativize the problems and relaxes the interlocutor.Cantar, singing involves abdominal breathing helps desestrarse.

Also because the vocal cords are directly related to the nervous and emotional state. The more stressed we are, the more strained are our strings. Singing relaxes and soothes the tensions. The energy and breathing again. We do not allow yourselves debmos complexes, it is recommended that you always sing: in the shower, in the car, while cooking, in a karaoke ... where you want to

Massage should be done on this one has the background, the Chinese, who use reflexology (massage of the plantar arch) for millennia, or the Russians, who were massaging the feet before sleeping, know well the virtues of This ancestral method. The principle is based is simple: all the organs of our body have a corresponding point in our arch of the foot. By stimulating these points through a massage, you can soothe and heal small ailments or discomfort, including estrés.Nos adds: Make lists of pending tasks! And he comments on it, which for the hyperactive overwhelmed, do not forget the virtues of making lists of tasks on paper pendientes.Escribirlas allows trivialize the situation become, suddenly, things more accessible and achievable, we have the impression of controlling more. Get used to these post-it lists, using a post-it for each task and pulling post it when it is done. This gives an immediate feeling of wellbeing. But, conversely, go moving a post-it overnight prmitira realize that there is an imbalance that should be questioned about

Edema is suggested that you seek professional groups led by appropriately trained personnel such as psychologists. Group discussions can help people realize that other individuals in the same circumstances often have similar reactions and emotions.

Engage in healthy behaviors to enhance driving skills of excess stress. Eat well-balanced meals and get adequate rest. If you experience difficulty sleeping, relaxation techniques, avoiding drugs and alcohol.

In short, it behooves everyone to be careful not to allow stress to surface and if at some point this occurs, take into account what was previously said.

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