Tuesday, July 24, 2012

How to Stop Loving Someone Who Loves You Not

How to stop loving someone you can not have it yet why not stop loving that person even though you know you can not have is that your subconscious mind does not fully accept what happened. Acceptance can only happen when the subconscious ensures that the event is irreversible. Most people who want to stop loving someone avoid accepting the fact that they can not have him as follows:

1-View-Save recuerdos2 good everything that reminds him / her (text messages, emails, etc..) 3-never confront the person directly and keep the door open for hope

All these actions remain hopeful and so prevents acceptance. If you want to stop loving that person, you must first accept what happened and make sure confronting that he / she has no intention of restoring the relationship.

The second thing you should do is delete the emails, text messages and everything that reminds you of him / her. The latter is to stop you thinking about him / her know that sometimes involuntarily thoughts flow, but at least you can keep these thoughts involuntary increase. All these actions will convince your subconscious that is over and you will be able to stop loving him / a.

Is there anyone better than him / her?

One of the things that prevent you stop loving someone is thinking that this person is ideal. If you think that way, then ask yourself this question: Is there anyone else on earth that is better than him / her? It may be someone you know, or someone you have not yet known, but definitely, he / she is not the best person in the world, otherwise everyone / a would have loved. Instead of feeling sad or blue, get the promise that you will find someone better than him / her. This will help you get rid of the false idea that he / she is the best person in the world and help you stop loving him / a.

In my book, How to forget someone in a few days pointed out that one of the main reasons why people fail to recover quickly to end a relationship is that they have beliefs such as the "ideal partner" and "soul mate", as soon realize that such things are missing, recover ten times faster.

Subconscious Mind and RepeticiónUna of the best ways to convince your subconscious to believe something is repetition. The more you repeat that end is more likely that this statement becomes a belief. If you stop loving someone, then you have to prevent repeat these phrases, even thinking about them:

I can not live without him / Ellan I can stop loving him / AEL / she is / the only / aa I loved both

Written by: M. Farouk Radwan, MSc

Translated by: Verena K. Biermeyer


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